There was drama in Busati village in Sironko District at the weekend after two close friends and business partners swapped wives to settle a long standing extra marital affair.

The duo, Mr Steven Wesonga and Mr David Woisi agreed at the weekend, (June, 11) in a village meeting with residents to exchange their wives in a public gala.
They have reportedly been engaging in extramarital affair with one another’s wife for long time.

Mr Wesonga took on Ms Sarah Muduwa, a wife to Mr Woisi. Mr Woisi in return married Mr Wesonga’s wife, Ms Annette Namataka.
Mr Wesonga has five children with his former wife while Mr Woisi had two children from his wife.
Ms Rose Manyanya, the women councilor representing Busati parish in Bukise Sub County, said the two made a right decision to follow their hearts instead of pretending.
“They agreed amicably and we have supported their decision,” she said.

Mr Wesonga during the impromptu introduction ceremony told our sources that he was happy about the whole arrangement.
“I am happy now. I also wish my colleague success with his new wife, who has been my wife,” she said.
Mr Woisi also said he was okay with the arrangement but expressed reservation why his colleague was too excited.
Mr Ayub Magombe, a resident, however, termed it as the highest form of immorality, which he said is unacceptable.
“It’s morally wrong to exchange women. It sets a wrong precedent for the new generation,” he said.

This article first appeared on Daily Monitor