Police has promised to release KTN Journalist Joy Doreen Biira to her family this morning, following her arrest last night in Kasese.

She is however being held at an undisclosed security facility.

Reports from Kasese indicate that Doreen who practices in neighboring Kenya was over the weekend in her home town of Kasese for her traditional wedding when fighting broke out between security force and royal guards of the Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere.

We have received information that Doreen Biira was arrested together with her husband and at least three people after she shared photos and videos of the fighting on social media.

Her arrest was this morning confirmed by Andrew Felix Kaweesi the police spokesperson.

He explained that Doreen was arrested for going beyond boundaries that were set by security. He explained that whoever goes beyond such boundaries has to be detained and questioned about their intentions.

Upon her arrest, the journalist was ordered to delete all pictures and videos she had already shared on her social media platforms.

Journalists have since taken to Twitter using a #FreeJoyDoreen to demand her immediate release.