Music producer Washington set the record straight on any rumors of bad blood between him and legendary musician Bebe Cool.

Washington, a veteran of the Ugandan music scene, has collaborated with countless artists over his long career. Back in the day, though, the industry revolved around three big names: Bobi Wine, Jose Chameleone, and Bebe Cool, now known as the "Big Three."

Washington actually spent a significant chunk of his career working closely with Bebe Cool for over 5 years, churning out hits like "Talimba Yesu," "Lonely," and "I Was in Prison."

"We did so many songs together," Washington reminisced. "There was nothing bad when we went our separate ways. It's just the industry, you know? Gotta keep growing and working with new people."

Washington claims that there was no falling out, just a natural progression. He explained that Bebe Cool, like any artist seeking growth, needed to explore collaborations with different talents. "That's what happens when you grow, things change," Washington said.

This desire for growth also fueled Washington's own drive to expand the Ugandan music scene beyond the "Big Three." He saw potential in other artists and wanted to introduce them to his unique "Afrodongo" style, a fusion of various jams.

This led him to work with artists like Cindy Sanyu ("Ayokyayokya"), Jackie Chandiru ("Gold Digger"), Lilian Mbabazi ("Vitamin"), Juliana Kanyomozi ("Ediba" and "Silinayo Mulala"), and many more.