It's not every day that a public figure openly shares personal information about their family life. It takes courage to be open and authentic.

In response to claims that he has fathered children with different women, musician David Lutalo revealed that he has only three children.

He denied all other claims of paternity, recounting an incident where a woman introduced a person older than him, claiming to be his son.

“If I die today and more than three children are brought forward claiming to be mine, that will be a lie. I even expect some women I’ve never met to show up with kids at my funeral. I say this confidently because one day, a woman brought a child older than me, claiming I was his father,” he said in an interview with a local YouTuber.

The singer stated that he will leave behind his DNA samples to settle any future paternity claims.

“I’m going to prepare myself and leave my DNA behind so that whenever I die, they can easily match my DNA to any kids claiming to be mine,” he added.