It all started with a message from Kleith Kyatuhaire, a fashion host with NTV to Pallaso letting him know of how her night watchman is so into his music...
"Halo Pallaso, I wanted to tell you that our "Asakari" is your biggesttttt fan, he has all your songs, plays them every night. Thank you for keeping him awake."
This did not go down well with some of Pallaso's fans who wondered whether the fashion critic meant that Pallaso's music only appealed to just a section of people.
Pallaso's fans continued to roast her, she then edited the message to reflect that she also likes Pallaso's music; 'Grown to like your music too.."
The former T-Nation host went on to cite songs like Koona which Pallaso did with Spice Diana as one of her best but some fans were not convinced.
Pallaso thanked Kleith for the message, but one fan wrote this; "I think this is a diss though, watch critically, it's sarcasm."
Credit: Ugandaonline.