Gorgeous Nampeera Addresses Leaked Nude Videos

Nampeera has taken a stand to explain the explicit content and extend her apologies to her family for her actions.

Gorgeous Nampeera Addresses Leaked Nude Videos
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Social media was set ablaze on Monday with the circulation of nude videos featuring Twitter influencer Christine Nampeera engaged in intimate activity within the washrooms of a city bar.

Nampeera has taken a stand to explain the explicit content and extend her apologies to her family for her actions.

"I deeply apologize to my family, my friends, my boyfriend, and my employers who have been negatively affected by the circulating video. It was a private matter, and I am truly sorry," she shared in a partial tweet.

Nampeera also revealed that she is struggling with thoughts of self-harm and is in need of prayers and support from all compassionate individuals.

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