The DJ duo of Slickstuart and Roja, whose real names are Kavuma Stuart and Kitaka Rogers, have recently been the subject of rumors regarding a possible split. Some suggest that their manager, Nisha Bridget, is to blame, while others claim it was the duo's own decision.

However, according to Deejay Roja, these rumors are not accurate. In a recent interview, he stated that the DJ Slickstuart & Roja brand has come a long way, and they would never allow it to disintegrate.

"After our last mixtape party, we have been occupied with various projects because both of us have roles beyond being DJs, which might not be apparent to everyone," Roja explained.

"We are engaged in these projects, and that's why we haven't been seen together as frequently. However, we still perform together occasionally and meet up for relaxation."

Slickstuart and Roja have collaborated for over 10 years, achieving success through winning awards, working with various artists on musical projects, and launching their own signature event. Last year, this event celebrated its 7th year at Kampala Serena Hotel.