Musician Topic Kasente took a miscalculated step during his performance at Sheebah's concert and fell off the stage.

His troubles didn’t end at Lugogo Cricket Oval, as he also fell in Mukono after attempting to stand on top of a chair.

The singer has since revealed that he didn’t feel pain for the first two days and didn’t seek medical attention, but things have since worsened for him.

Topic explained that he injured his neck and leg and is currently receiving treatment. He has appealed to his fans and friends for financial help to cover his medical bills.

"My fans, family, and friends have been concerned about me because, as artists, we usually don’t support each other. I’m so thankful for how they’re checking on me. Above all, I’m seeking financial assistance to help with my medical bills, as I can’t manage them alone. The doctors advised me not to talk much, but I have to let people know how I’m doing. I’m in the music industry, and they are the ones who will help me. I’m pleading with the fans to come through for me,” he said while addressing the media.

Topic Kasente is famous for his song "Laila," released in 2017. Though he has released more songs since, none have achieved the same level of success as "Laila."