Five Reasons Why Campus Babes Cheat

Naturally we all cheat for reasons best known to us, its Human nature

Five Reasons Why Campus Babes Cheat
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Naturally we all cheat for reasons best known to us, its Human nature.

Going Through A Transition

The transition can trigger an array of emotions about where her life is going or where she is in it. The discomfort of change can trigger an impulsive desire to find someone to take her mind off the change and be a diversion for what she is going through.

Not Feeling Adequately Celebrated

Women seek an emotional connection that their partner notices them, is proud of their achievements, and appreciates what they do, so when they aren't getting this at home the residual effects lead to feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, depression, and restlessness.

And that's when they could go looking for it elsewhere

Feeling A Relationship Ending

If she is the one considering the breakup, she may be using this tactic as a challenge to herself both testing the waters, and then gauge if she can go through with it."

It's Just Not Fun Anymore

When stresses of day to day life become the dominant factor in a relationship, women feel unhappy. When they come across a coworker, or friend that they have a good time with, it suddenly brings to light what is missing in their own relationship and becomes tempting to act upon."

It's Boring In The Bedroom

Women need to feel desired!" Lee declares. "If she is not getting any, enough, or nothing to talk about, women start to feel a sexual void. With the popularity of books such as Fifty Shades of Grey, television shows, or listening to friends talk about their fun single trysts, women have that moment when they compare their love life at home to what the rest of the world seems to be experiencing." And that's when she may start to wonder what she's missing.

Now you know why women cheat. But we say, if you're thinking about cheating, just break up with the guy, before you move on to a new one.




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