We have all heard the adage that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Never is this truer than when that "beauty" ... is "booty."

Viewed as an element of physical attraction for men and woman alike, the buttocks are perhaps the most universally beloved and hotly discussed body part of all time.

Today, more then ever, posteriors are coming into prominence: whether we're talking about Kim Kardashian, George Clooney, Princess Kate or hamsters, the butt is part of the dialogue. We get them reduced, we get them enlarged, we put all manner of things into them. “Twerking” (recently added to the Oxford dictionary) has all but edged out baseball as our national pastime.

In fact, we have so many ways of describing rear ends that we decided it was time to coin a new word:

ass-jective [as-ik-tiv] n.
A word or phrase used to describe the human buttocks

As a microcosm of the way our culture talks about the behind we have compiled the above video of ass-jectives, culled from Hollywood movies. They range from fun and flirty to cruel and degrading. We strongly discourage you from using the large majority of these in public, as they will likely (and rightly) get you slapped. Better to simply let this video do the duty ... of describing that, well, you know.