Here Are 100 Really Easy Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentines Day Ideas: How To Surprise Your Partner?

Here Are 100 Really Easy Ways To Celebrate Valentine's Day
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Just a few of these ideas will make your man feel loved. To show your partner how truly special they are, pick a bunch of ideas and surprise him with your loving bouquet of sweet sentiments on February 14. From 100 to one, we have lots of romantic Valentine's Day inspiration for you!
  • 100. Send your sweetie a sweet, short and sexy text or email. (Not to his work email!)
  • 99. Leave a little note in his briefcase or laptop bag so he will find it when he gets to work.
  • 98. When your significant other gets home, be waiting in the bedroom dressed in your favorite sexy lingerie (or nothing at all!) … you know what happens next.
  • 97. Plan a surprise outing! Start with dinner at his favorite restaurant, then reveal tickets to a show or sports game.
  • 96. Take a hot air balloon ride together.
  • 95. Surprise him with that special something he has been coveting (no matter how big or small).
  • 94. Send flowers or cookies for no reason at all.
  • 93. Take his dog for a walk.
  • 92. Stock his fridge with his favorite beer and his shelves with his favorite snacks.
  • 91. Stop by your sweetie's office around lunchtime with his favorite noontime nosh.
  • 90. Take a drive together -- car trips provide some of the best time for talking one-on-one.
  • 89. Snuggle after sex -- even if you are tired.
  • 88. Give a back massage.
  • 87. Offer a foot rub -- without asking for one in return!
  • 86. Fill up his gas tank.
  • 85. If he comes home after a boy's night WAY past the time he said he would, let it go. 84. Make breakfast in bed.
  • 83. Stay in bed all day -- pajamas optional. 82. Take a late-night, hand-in-hand stroll.
  • 81. Sign up for a class you know he has been wanting to take together.
  • 80. Make up silly nicknames for each other that you ONLY call each other in private!
  • 79. Make a mousepad (or a mug or a calendar) with your picture on it for his desk.
  • 78. Start a hobby together.
  • 77. Do something nice for his mother, brother, sister, etc.
  • 76. Let him pick the movie this time.
  • 75. Make a special dinner for him.
  • 74. When he gets home, hand him a glass of wine, sit down together and let him talk about his day.
  • 73. Do chores or errands without being asked and without complaining.
  • 72. Put the toilet seat down.
  • 71. Leave a note on the bathroom mirror so he will see it first thing in the morning.
  • 70. Send a sexy picture message to his phone.
  • 69. Leave a note for him to meet at his favorite bar or club. When he arrives, do some fun role-play and pretend you are meeting for the first time.
  • 68. Wash his car for him.
  • 67. Do his laundry.
  • 66. Recreate your first date -- then recall all the feelings you had for each other that very first night.
  • 65. Make a creative coupon book (free massage, free night out with the guys, etc.) without an expiration date!
  • 64. Book a couple's massage.
  • 63. Plan a romantic getaway to a bed and breakfast.
  • 62. Dedicate a day to the one you love -- plan a day filled with his favorite things.
  • 61. Plan a surprise party for him.
  • 60. Send him a nice (or naughty!) card. Even if you live together, mail it!
  • 59. Take out the trash.
  • 58. Buy him a calendar and fill it with important dates (our first dinner together, our three-year anniversary, etc.).
  • 57. Have a romantic/sexy photo session done together or have sexy pictures taken of yourself and make a private album for him.
  • 56. Make a big deal out of the holidays.
  • 55. Scatter rose petals on the bed
  • 54. If he has to work late, have his favorite take-out delivered to the office, and pre-pay, of course!
  • 53. Have a talk about the future and let him know that he is a part of it.
  • 52. Buy his favorite perfume, and simply put it in the medicine cabinet for him to discover on his own.
  • 51. Declare a day of the week "your" day -- always spend that day together, even if you just snuggle on the couch together.
  • 50. Take him home to meet the family.
  • 49. Propose.
  • 48. Go on a picnic.
  • 47. Explore your adventurous sides together -- do something daring that neither of you have tried before, such as bungee jumping or sky diving. The experience will bring you closer.
  • 46. Designate a place as "yours" -- your favorite restaurant or bar -- and frequent it together often.
  • 45. Volunteer together. Work side-by-side at your local animal shelter, nursing home or as you gather donations for your local food bank.
  • 44. Take him to an art gallery or art walk.
  • 43. Arrange to have a house cleaner come to his place and spruce things up!
  • 42. Introduce him to your best friends.
  • 41. Walk him out when he leaves for work.
  • 40. Make him a special bag lunch with a note written on a napkin inside.
  • 39. Get him a subscription to his favorite magazine.
  • 38. If he has a business trip, offer to drive to the airport, so he doesn't have to take a cab.
  • 37. Leave a sweet note on a post-it on his car windshield or steering wheel.
  • 36. Flirt with him unabashedly.
  • 35. If he has been working out extra hard or dieting, compliment him on his weight loss or how big his muscles are getting.
  • 34. Rent some silly comedies and spend the night laughing together.
  • 33. Take a shower together.
  • 32. Offer to shave his face or ask him to shave your legs.
  • 31. Offer him the last bite of the dessert you're sharing.
  • 30. Go stargazing. Bring a bottle of champagne.
  • 29. Try an activity that he loves, such as golf, or that she loves, like shopping! (No complaining!)
  • 28. Get up early on the weekend and do some of the chores he has on his list.
  • 27. Laugh at his jokes.
  • 26. Compliment him on his new hairstyle, shoes, outfit, etc.
  • 25. Frame a picture of the two of you during a special trip.
  • 24. Ask his mother for the recipe to his favorite dish that she made him growing up.
  • 23. Take him to a sporting event for his favorite team -- extra credit, splurge on front-row seats.
  • 22. Buy a little teddy bear to sleep with when he's not there.
  • 21. Get his oil changed and his brakes checked.
  • 20. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride. (Bonus points if this is at Christmastime or Valentine's Day.)
  • 19. Buy him something quirky that shows how well you know him.
  • 18. Buy him a new tie.
  • 17. Iron his shirts.
  • 16. Feed each other dinner. Or better yet, dessert.
  • 15. Sneak a sexy note into the pocket of his slacks.
  • 14. Kiss him when he leaves in the morning and when he gets home at night.
  • 13. Brag about him to his friends for something really macho that he does.
  • 12. Tell his mother how smart you think she is.
  • 11. Go on a bike ride -- extra credit for using a tandem bike.
  • 10. Baby him when he is sick.
  • 9. Leave lipstick kisses on the bathroom mirror.
  • 8. Go to the park together (even if you don't have kids). Go down the slide, play on the teeter-totter and go on the swings.
  • 7. Let him teach you a new skill.
  • 6. Buy a little gift and surprise him at the end of a long week.
  • 5. Go hiking together.
  • 4. Take a trip to the beach.
  • 3. Watch the sun set or rise together.
  • 2. Share the morning paper and some mimosas over the weekend.
  • 1. Grab him spontaneously and kiss him like you mean it.
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