Confession: I Think My Wife Has Been Cheating On Me!

I once recently while looking for her Waller in her purse I found a condom, she claims her Girlfriend at work gave it to her as a joke

Confession: I Think My Wife Has Been Cheating On Me!
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So we've been married 4 years and we have a 1 year old and she's pregnant again. So I never really noticed a change in her like all of a sudden but just recently I kind of started putting things together that have been going on for a while I guess.

We rarely have sex she's always too tired it seems. I started thinking about how after our first baby she was moody and depressed about the weight she'd gained. After a while she started working out and losing the weight.

Which I guess made her feel better about herself so she started dressing "sexier" even more so than when we first met. She also has been wearing new jewelry that she claims she bought for herself but it’s just not like her.

 Then I also started noticing how she never leaves her phone unattended she's always on it texting (she says it's just friends or Facebook friends) also I once recently while looking for her Waller in her purse I found a condom, she claims her gf at work gave it to her as a joke.

The thing that has me most concerned is the fact she's pregnant again and like I said we hardly ever have sex and it just seems unlikely the couple of times we did during the time she conceived that it was me. I could just be making too much out of nothing but I don't know.

But should I do to know the truth?

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