5 Types Of Vag!nas Men Love

Did you know vaginas come in different shapes and sizes? Read to find out what pleases men the most.

5 Types Of Vag!nas Men Love
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Did you know vaginas come in different shapes, sizes and colours? There is a good deal of variations and men have their preferences. So here we run down five types of vaginas that pleasure men the most.

The bone head vagina: If you are skinny or petite, chances are there that your vagina is bony and narrow. Men love it as they allow a little tighter fit, ensuring a very sensational experience. They also give men a major confidence boost as they don’t ever have to worry about whether or not they are big enough.

The fatty lip vagina: The fatty lip vagina is very soft and is a favourite among the male population. They appear very kissable and easier to find for penetration. Ingrown hairs are also uncommon in a fatty lip vagina.

The virginal vagina: You are sure to please your partner if you have a tight virginal vagina. The walls of your vagina may be so tight that they may just be closing in. The snug fit makes for great stimulation and sex. The close fit makes men think that your vagina was made specifically for them.

The expert vagina: The expert vagina is the one which is experienced and exists in a state of perpetual preparedness, which attracts men. It also has just the right texture and tightness which never disappoint men.

Peek-a-boo vagina: If you have a peek-a-boo vagina, your clitoris is just out to give you the perfect tease. Only a touch or a tickle on the clitoris can be enough to turn you on. Men love the orgasms you get with these as the orgasms make them realise that they are doing their job just right.

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