Viagra is widely talked about when it comes to boosting sexual drive and overall sexual health. The drug sees its application in treating erectile dysfunction and impotency in men. A common disorder that widely affects adult men, the drug helps to boost erection by stimulating sex hormones.

Besides Viagra, there are some powerful foods that also help boost one's sex drive. What better way to boost your sex drive than doing it healthily?

These foods listed in the article help to enhance blood flow to the genitals. They help to increase blood pressure and consequently promote stronger erections. Thus, apart from being classified under foods that act like Viagra, they can also be classified under foods for stronger erections. Let us go ahead and look at these powerful foods that act as Viagra. Here are 10 best foods that act like Viagra. These are highly impressive foods that boost sex drive. Read on...


Watermelon, according to recent studies watermelon is one of the best fruit which completely act like Viagra. A slice of watermelon spices up your desires. Citrulline in watermelon relaxes blood vessels; this chemical produces arginine and creates Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide plays vital role in your sexual life as it increases your emotions and gives you stronger erection.

Green Vegetables

Green Veggies like Spinach, Cabbage and any other green leafy veggies are also acts as Viagra. Green veggies contains heaps of Vitamins and minerals, Vitamin E enhances your energy level and releases hormones for satisfying intimacy. Spinach is good for women as it is loaded with manganese which amplifies female fertility.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds also one of the best foods that act like Viagra. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and omega-3 fatty acids that help to rouse sex hormones-levels.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is known as love poison. Dark chocolate increases your sensuality. This is a natural Viagra that enhances your mood, feeling and helps you reduce stress. The chemicals that are found in dark chocolate are Serotonin and phenethylamine enhances your libido.


Strawberries also act like Viagra; this fruit increases your sexual desires. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and improve sperm quality. Enjoy your evening with a bowl of strawberries.


Banana contains loads of potassium that enhances blood flow. Banana also contains Vitamin B which keeps you energetic for longer time. It also increases testosterone.


Adding some spices while cooking and serve to your loved ones. This increase the blood flow and libido. It stimulates the production of endorphins.


Avocados are having vitamin B6, heart healthy fats and folic acid that act as a fuel to the body for increasing the energy. Vitamin B6 is the most important that helps the hormone production in men. This is the key for strong sex drive.


Eggs are having rich source of vitamin B6 and B5. These vitamins balance the hormone levels and fight stress. As usual eggs are the symbol for rebirth and fertility. Eat eggs to increase the libido.