Reasons Why Love Is The Best Feeling In The World

Here are 10 reasons why being in love is the best feeling in the world …

Reasons Why Love Is The Best Feeling In The World
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The first time I fell in love, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced …

Sure, I had heard about it in all the romantic comedies I’ve seen. Yes, I’ve read about it in the Jackie Collins novels I love, oh, so much. But I didn’t know what it was really like until I experienced it.

Having such strong feelings about another person shook me to my core. It made me re-evaluate my beliefs. I learned what it was like to really care about someone. Everything I had believed, everything I stood for, suddenly disappeared. I found a whole new world opened up for me.

I was no longer closed-minded. I became a ‘yes’ person. I learned the meaning of never say never. I had a new outlook on life.

Here are 10 reasons why being in love is the best feeling in the world …

1. Love makes you feel invincible

Love makes you feel as if you can do anything. Your approach on life is brighter and happier. You have courage to do things you didn’t think you were able to do.

2. Love gives you incredible inspiration

Being in love makes you feel inspired. It gives you a can-do attitude that you can approach anything, anywhere, anytime.

Being in love gives you motivation. Your attitude is optimistic and always positive.

3. Love makes you happy

When you’re in love, you’re blissfully happy all the time.

4. Love turns you into a hopeful romantic

Falling in love makes you a romantic. Love gives you hope that there is a perfect person out there for you.

5. Love makes you fearless

The things you used to fear disappear when you’re in love. You know you have your own personal cheerleader in your corner to help you with whatever is needed. You almost feel protected because you’re so happy.

6. Love turns you into the best version of yourself

When you’re in love, you’re a better version of yourself. You’re nice to everyone, and you’re eternally thankful.

7. Love enriches you

Love makes you feel rich. You don’t stress about your finances or material things because you feel so blessed. You feel rich in a way that matters.

8. Love leads you into a total state of confusion

Love makes you confused – it shakes you to your core and has you rethink your beliefs. Love is puzzling. It makes you marvel how you can care about someone so much.

Love gives you a yearning – it makes you miss your significant other in ways you never knew possible.

9. Love makes you selfless

Love makes you mad – literally. It encourages you to want to do things you aren’t used to doing. It makes you selfless in ways you didn’t know existed. You find yourself thinking about the needs of your partner before your own.

10. Love makes you believe

Love makes you hopeful. It makes you believe in happily ever after. When you’re single, you wonder if you’re ever going to meet your soulmate. Love makes you know that is possible and when it happens it’s really, really amazing.

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