8 Revised Ways To Fight Pre-Mature Ejaculation.

How to Stop Premature Ejaculation. Premature ejaculation, or ejaculating before you or your partner wanted you to, is a common problem that strikes most men

8 Revised Ways To Fight Pre-Mature Ejaculation.
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Pre-mature ejaculation is a common problem most men in the active age face during sex. We can sometimes refer to it as early ejaculation when a male cums in the shortest time. Its a very worrying situation especially when you really want to satisfy that new woman that you just hooked up well worry no more,  on this article will share with you the top 10 ways to beat this problem;

Take a deep breathe.
Dear males try to take a deep breathe to kill the arousle and anxiety this lowers early ejaculation. You can look eye to eye with your partner and your two take deep breathe for about five seconds this meditation lowers pressure of the heart and allows you to perform normally.

Try Medication
You may not be depressed, the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) family of antidepressants, including drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft, may help your early ejaculation. The drugs can be taken several hours before sexual activity, and since they inhibit arousal, they can help make it easier for you to control ejaculation. Before you make a decision regarding these drugs, which require a prescription,youwill need to see either  general practitioner or a urologist;you should also ask about and keep in mind the side effects of SSRIs.

Just recently, a new medication for early ejaculation was approved by the FDA. Promescent is a topical medication that is applied to the penis ten minutes before sexual activity, and it helps a man to better manage the sensations of sex through desensitization. However, unlike other topical medications for early ejaculation, Promescent absorbs below the skin where the nerve endings that control ejaculation are located. A man receives only the dosage needed to control his ejaculation while still allowing him to enjoy the sensations of sex, and since it is absorbed into the skin, it will not negatively impact his partner’s sensations.

This means self pleasure, a male or female will use objects or lubricants to cum and attain pleasure. In most cases before you bed someone the axiety, excitement is very high and you break this by doing self pleasure before actual sex this will kill away the appetite and by the time you receive actual sex the ejaculation can be extended upto 5 minutes .

The Squeeze Method
This method requires one of you to squeeze the base of the penis at the same point that the stop-and-start technique would be used, when he is at the brink of orgasm. The idea is to reduce your partner's erection through squeezing. Just as with the stop-and-start method, your partner should do it on his own first, master it, and then invite you to practice the technique with him.

Tantric Techniques
Sex that is truly explorative is more than just traditional physical pleasure. Try using the tantric techniques of establishing an intimate connection, including when he’s nearing the point of no return. When he approaches that point, he should cease stimulation (i.e., pull out), then contract the PC muscle and lower his chin to his chest (this is important, as it prevents energy from rising too high and making him feel ungrounded). He should then draw in a breath, feeling the warmth of sexual energy rise upwards in his body. Repeat this as needed, until the desire to release is no longer urgent.

Stop thinking sex
Think nonsexual thoughts. If you notice yourself getting too excited, turn your thoughts to something distant, abstract and unsexy, such as math, rush hour traffic or baseball. Only dwell on it long enough to give yourself a short break from arousal, maybe 5 to 10 seconds, then refocus your attention on your partner. Avoid thinking of a topic that is going to make you stressed or cause you to lose your arousal entirely.

Change positions
Some intercourse positions put less pressure on the glans (or the most sensitive part of the penis). Here's what to do:
Try "passive" positions. Lie beneath your female partner, or try a side-by-side (or spooning) position.
Avoid "active" positions. Missionary and rear-entry positions place the most stimulation and friction on the glans, so consider taking them off the menu for now.

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