5 Best Online Dating Tips for Women

We live in the modern times where almost everything has gone digital, even dating, so checkout the best online dating tips below.

5 Best Online Dating Tips for Women
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We live in the modern times where almost everything has gone digital, even dating, and that is pretty amazing if you ask me. Never mind that all this new digital age stuff is making us lazier by the day but we have to keep up with the times besides, all this new digital age stuff is making life that much easier, right?

Online dating has its own set of challenges especially for women. It can be confusing, frustrating, tiring, disappointing, name it! With online dating you can expect anything, as there are all sorts of characters online. I mean, you will meet random, creepy people who will send you very inappropriate messages and pictures that will leave you feeling confused, exhausted, annoyed and very uncomfortable.

It’s not always that bad though and Love and Relationship expert Bernard Mendez tries to give women tips on how to survive this thing called online dating without losing all hope in humanity.

1.Make online dating your complimentary strategy and not your core strategy

This is simple, as a woman looking for that potential guy, you need to have many other ways to connect with guys and not just rely on meeting them online. A lot of women are under the illusion that they have no time to connect with men in the real world and that the only way they can connect with a guy is through online dating. If this is your thought pattern then you are going to put pressure on yourself to make online dating work hence allowing yourself to go through weeks of being contacted by men who are not your type or those who are just there to waste your time which of course will leave you feeling frustrated.

To succeed in online dating you must first be aware of the other many ways to connect with men everywhere you go. Leave your antennas for connecting with guys on at all times outside the online world and try to let the online world be just a complimentary dating strategy to the other strategies.

2.Get an amazing profile picture

If you are going to go with online dating then you must find the perfect picture of you that will help draw attention to you. The eyes cannot help looking at something bright and smiley and the eyes also cannot be bothered to look at something that is the opposite of bright and smiley. Make sure it’s your best picture. A happy picture, a picture that lets your personality shine through. That picture you look at and smile to yourself because it just does it!

3.Paint an emotional picture on your profile, use descriptive statements

Make yourself shine through by describing yourself in detail and making whoever that is going to be checking out your profile know what you are all about. Pick one or two accurate and fun details about yourself that you are passionate about so that people viewing your profile can get a sense of who you are exactly. Let your bio work on your behalf and let it compliment your picture.

4.Understand the 90/10 online dating rule

90% of the stuff you are going to find online is mostly pure crap. You will find guys who just want to have sex with you or you might meet plain super losers. Only about 10% of the online daters will be worth your while, so for you to be able to succeed in online dating, you have to be willing to shift through a pile of the guys that you will not connect with to find those quality guys you can connect with. Take your time to find out  who falls in the 90 percentile pile and those who fall in the 10 percentile pile so that you are not left feeling frustrated and thinking online dating is worthless.

5. Take it offline as soon as possible.

As soon as you have connected with a guy who you think falls in the 10% pile of the guys who are worth your while, it is advisable to take things offline as soon as possible. Spending too much time on online communication be it via emails or via online dating apps for several months on end without making plans to meet up in person could end up in disaster as you could have spent so much time communicating with someone who actually was not worth your time as people tend to be very different online and offline. Meeting someone in person sooner can help you figure this out before emotions are involved.

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