It is easy to gauge a person’s feelings towards you when you meet them in person. Body language, how attentive is he towards you and how he treats you goes a long way in telling you how much he values you. But how can you be sure about his feelings when the only interaction you have is over WhatsApp? Check out these signs to know whether he likes you. If he is texting you these things then he definitely wants to take your friendship to the next level. Saying the right things are signs that he is interested in you.
1.He keeps the conversation going- It is not just about initiating the conversation but also keeping it lively and flowing. And if that gets boring, then he may start sending you images or songs or videos for the chat to remain interesting and romantic.
2.He is concerned about you- The first thing he does when he wakes up is texting you good morning. Then he will go on to ask you whether you had breakfast or not. He will also ask you if you had lunch and dinner on time and what you ate. And girl, you are the last thing that comes to his mind before sleeping and he will make it evident by texting you good night.
3.He replies instantly- He will make sure that he replies you in no time. Even if he is busy, he will reply pretty damn fast. And if you are the one initiating the conversation, it may convey him that even you are interested in talking to him.
4.He adds emoticons to the texts- He would use a lot of smiley faces while chatting with you. This may be intended to portray the emotions and sentiments more clearly. He would keep sending you kisses or hearts every time you say bye.
6.His messages are long and detailed- Yes, if he really likes you and is into you, he won’t reply you with something as short as a ‘k.’ The only time he would reply with such small texts is when he is super busy or when he wants some attention.
7.He will notice your updates- Whenever you update your status or profile picture, he will definitely comment on it or compliment how pretty you look in your profile picture. He will not let any of your status go unnoticed.
8.He will text you even at odd hours- Even though he knows about your work hours, he will text you about how your day is going or asking what are you up to. He may also text you late at night telling how much he misses you.