Things Every Man REALLY Wants In A Woman

While every man is different, there are certain things about a woman that will make any man stand up, take notice, and make him decide he wants to get to know you on a deeper level.

Things Every Man REALLY Wants In A Woman
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Men want women with the four B’s – beauty, brains, body and balance …

The four B’s – beauty, brains, body and balance

We all know the stereotype that all men want is sex … but that’s not true. Yes, they want sex – but who doesn’t? They want MORE than just sex. Men want women with the four B’s – beauty, brains, body and balance.

1. Beauty

Men want women who are beautiful. Don’t worry, you don’t have to look like a model to be beautiful. You should be the best version of you and focus on your positive attributes.

If you have beautiful eyes, accentuate them. If you have great legs, show them off. If you have amazing hair, make sure you wear it down. Hopefully you see where I’m going here. Work with what you have!

2. Brains, brains, brains

Intelligence is sexy, and men are captivated by smart women. You don’t need an MBA (if you do have one, kudos to you). Instead, you should be curious about and aware of what’s going on in the world – read the news, watch CNN, and be in the know.

Men are intrigued by women who challenge them and bring something to the table.

3. Body confidence

Men like women who are fit and in good shape. They aren’t attracted to someone who’s rail thin. Curves are sexy. Bear in mind that men like toned women, so you should make sure you look good in AND out of clothes.

4. A ‘Zen’ lifestyle

Leading a balanced lifestyle is important. Men enjoy dating someone who can balance their job, their family, their friends and a relationship. They’re drawn to women who are independent. They like women who are down-to-earth and not a drama queen.

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