Sugar Daddy University

Sugar Daddy University is a now a real thing – no joke

Sugar Daddy University
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Ever felt that you have money and decades of life experience but would like a younger, sexually-competent woman to satisfy your needs?

Then these Sugar Daddy University ‘graduates’ are the girls for you.

Professional sugar baby Carla Abonia and sugar daddy mentor Alan Schneider have set up a university for women looking for a rich older man for financial support.

Ms Abonia has clear goals for her teaching: ‘I’m going to be teaching how to view the relationship so it can be prosperous and beneficial for both sides.’

This New York based ‘educational’ organisation aims to teach prospective students the five key elements of being a successful sugar baby or daddy: sexuality, understanding, generosity, attraction and reciprocity.

Mr Schneider defended the course saying: ‘It’s not just about sex – we help them discover a spark, a real connection and many couples get married.’

Originally appeared in Metro Uk

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