The friends with benefits kind of settlement might seem to be convenient, comfortable and simple. That’s what your brain thinks. But when it comes to matters of the heart, you can never predict what’s in store. A lot of people end up falling for their friend with benefits.

There’s more than sex: Your usual meetings meant sex. You called or texted each other only for it. But now, if you go over to each other’s place for sex but end up ordering food from outside, playing board games or watching some movie, then it’s surely a red flag. You are getting involved romantically and emotionally with your FWB. It’s best to call it quits at this stage to avoid getting hurt, unless both of you want to take it beyond the FWB relation.

You’re thinking about them: It all started with being a booty call. But things seem to change now. You think about what they are up to, if he/she is too occupied with work. You find excuses to text them without being too direct.

You need them when you are lonely: When your low and stressed, the first person you can think of is your FWB. You call them, have started sharing your problems with them and probably are sharing some deep secrets that have nothing to do with sexual fantasies. You might fool yourself into thinking that you are good friends, but there’s more to it.

Jealousy has come into play: You’re jealous when you’re in love. In an FWB relation, you have the liberty to date anyone and hang out with friends of the opposite sex. But when either of you are jealous and act weirdly or grumpy when your partner goes out with others, it’s a surefire sign that you are more than friends with benefits.

It’s not enough: You are craving more time with each other. Whenever you are free, he/she is the one you call, text or want to meet. You start planning holidays and trips with them, your weekend plans revolve around their schedule.  You want to see them more often whether it is for sex or just cuddling.

You care: You are around when it’s that time of the month for her and she’s there to take care when he is unwell. You both discuss career lows and issues, support and motivate each other. The way you touch each other in such times has changed. There’s nothing erotic about it even if you hug or kiss. Watch out for such signs as you are entering dangerous waters now.