There are some men who seem to be natural magnets for the opposite sex, attracting women like light does moths. Then there are those other men who have a knack for making females flee, repelling them like maggots do, well, women.

Dear ladies,

1. Choose to love a man who loves his mum. He has been brought up well.

2. Choose a man who loves to read, and not just for exams. He is wise and deep.

3. Choose a man who is funny. You will never be bored.

4. Choose a man who treats strangers and the less privileged with dignity. He has a kind heart.

5. Choose a man who listens. You will be understood.

6. Choose a man whose idea of fun is constructive, not endless drinking and clubbing. He is mature.

7. Choose a man who wants to start a family. Your time will not be wasted on pointless dates.

8. Choose a man who respects his father no matter how his dad is. He has learned true manhood.

9. Choose a man who doesn’t insult his ex or your ex even if the break up was messy. He is someone who enters into love for the right reasons

10. Choose a man who needs you. He will hold on to you.

11. Choose a man who lets you love him, who lets you see the nakedness of his weaknesses and strengths. He trusts you.

12. Choose a man who accepts correction and changes his ways if he offends you. He will make himself better to love you.

13. Choose a man who prays for you. He knows you are a gift from God.

14. Choose a man who treats other women with respect. He will show you even more respect.

15. Choose a man who loves other people’s children. He is a father figure and will make a good father to your children.

16. Choose a man with a vision. He will challenge and build you, he knows where he is going.

17. Choose a man who has a good set of friends.You can tell the character of a man by the friends he keeps.

18. Choose a man who values intimacy above sex. He will be faithful to you.

19. Choose a man who is interested in your dreams. He cares about your future.

20. Choose a man who respects your decisions and doesn’t rush you. He sees you as an equal.

21. Choose a man who corrects you when you are wrong and inspires and pushes you to do better. He sees your potential and will not rest until your potential is lived out. That man is a keeper.

22. Choose a man who has been consistent on his focus. You can depend on him.

23. Choose a man who works hard, is self motivated, hustles and is diligent even when he has little. That man is going places and one day he will make you proud.

24. Choose a man who is not intimidated by other men when they notice your beauty. He is a secure man.