The More Beautiful A Girl Gets; The More Boring In Bed She Becomes

The More Beautiful A Girl Gets; The More Boring In Bed She Becomes

The More Beautiful A Girl Gets; The More Boring In Bed She Becomes
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There is a common stereotype that’s flaunted around; “Beautiful girls rarely have anything more to offer apart from their beauty.” This is one of the stereotypes I hold to be true, until at such a point in future when beautiful girls prove me otherwise.  The most boring sex you will ever have is most likely to come in from beautiful girls.

Let’s picture a certain scenario that we are all conversant with.

When a girl is beautiful, she’s going to have pretty lots of men ready to bed her at any slight indication of interest from her part. She’s not struggling to get laid. If she ever gets horny, all she needs to do, is to go out to a night club, dresses seductively and tens of men will be hitting on her ready to give her a chaw without any effort on her part.

On the other hand, an average looking girl is going to make sure that when she gets this one man ready to bang her, she had better make the sex worth it, so the man can always keep coming around. The best sex you will ever have, is going to come from ugly, mediocre girls, whatever they lack in beauty, they make up for with good sex.

Beautiful girls on the contrary are not scared of losing a man after giving him the fakest sex of the lifetime, because they are certain, there’s no shortage of men, praying for an opportunity to get under her pants.

Perhaps I could state the law of the bang: “The more beautiful she is, the higher the chances the sex will be average. The reverse is true.”

Of course, there are a few exceptions. But even for these exceptions, it’s because it does occur than in some cases, men fear to hit on beautiful chics since they assume they are out of their league, thus, most beautiful girls may end up single and sexually starved. If she does get the opportunity to have sex, she’s going to make the best of it. Such a beautiful girl is the exception, and she’s very rare.

Because it’s very rare to find a girl who’s the complete package; exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally good in bed, it’s the reason I continue to stay single, because this utopia of a woman is very rare to find. You either get one who’s beautiful but very lazy in bed, or one who’s a tigress in bed but average looking.

Perhaps the other explanation could be the fact that women want to be dominated much of the time. Because of the fear men have for beautiful girls, they tend to fall into submission while in bed, and these beautiful girls are some of the most ignorant when it comes to sex unlike the ugly girls, an ugly girl is able to play any role in bed. She can be the most dominant freak in bed; riding you wild in the woman on top position like she’s gone crazy or she can be the most submissive lady, taking in your D at deep throat. You can expect this from a beautiful girl, only an average girl is likely to offer this.

So the core reason why mediocre girls will always give you the best sex compared to hot girls is because of the law of compensation. Mediocre girls compensate for their average looks with the best sex. Hot girls compensate for their fake sex with their looks. Thus, if a man desires the best sex of a lifetime, it’s much better to bet on an average girl. The More Beautiful A Girl Gets; The More Boring In Bed She Becomes.

[This Post is from Ortega Ian, For More.. Visit his Blog (]

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