Marriage Tips: Things Married People Want Single People to Know

I'm no where near close to getting married but I was curious – what should single people absolutely know before deciding to put a ring on it?

Marriage Tips: Things Married People Want Single People to Know
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1. Marriage is not just about sex. Don’t let sex lead you to marry wrong.

2. Marry someone who is your choice, not your parent’s choice, your friend’s choice or society’s choice.

3. Marry your best friend, someone you love talking to. Pillow talks are very important in marriage.

4. Invest more in your marriage than your wedding. Don’t go into debt to please people who won’t be there in your marriage.

5. When you grow older, your need for companionship will increase. Do not suppress your need for love.

6. Finances are a big deal in marriage. Get your accounts ready and learn proper financial management.

7. The foundation you lay during dating determines the quality of your marriage.

8. Finalize things with your exes before you get married, lest your past comes to mess up your future marriage.

9. Practice sexual discipline in your singlehood or you will struggle to be faithful in marriage.

10. Please understand when a married friend can’t spend that much time with you as before. Family comes first but your friendship still matters.

11. Buy books and read articles on marriage, study the institution of marriage before you get in it.

12. Don’t be scared of marriage. It is simply spending the rest of your life with your best friend.

13. Commit to someone who is ready for marriage spiritually, emotionally and mentally just like you; lest they let you down and your growth becomes uneven.

14. Involve God in singlehood, dating, courtship, and right through marriage. Many married people abandon God then wonder why their marriage is a mess.

15. If you are not a team player who can accept correction and help, don’t get married, you will only frustrate your spouse.

16. Love is possible, it all depends on who you commit to and how you two manage your love.

17. Love can be so simple but human beings tend to complicate it. Find someone easy to love.

18. Leave our husbands and wives alone. Find your own to build with.

19. Don’t think marriage comes to complete you. Find yourself preferably before marriage because the demands of marriage and parenthood can easily kill your dreams, vision and purpose if you are not a well defined individual.

20. Marry for the right reasons. Motive determines whether your marriage will last or fail.

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