Why Your Exes Keep Coming Back

Here are the 6 reasons why I feel exes come back…

Why Your Exes Keep Coming Back
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It’s very common to see people in a relationship break up, and then, after a couple of months or days, one of them tries to rekindle the affair. And one begins to wonder, why quit the relationship in the first place? Why leave or agree to a break up if that’s not what you really want?  There are different reasons why people do this, and it’s important to understand that while love may sometimes be the genuine motivation, most of the time, it is not the case. So people need to be more careful when dealing with past lovers or exes.

Here are the 6 reasons why I feel exes come back…

 1. LUST

Obviously, this has to be on top of the list. More than half the time exes return, they do it because of lust. Once they remember how good you were in bed, or how you were always available for their sexual needs, they run back in the hope that everything can go back to the way it was. Their return has absolutely nothing to do with love, rather, it’s lust-driven.


Some people are so jealous; they can’t stand to see you with someone else even after you’ve broken up. So they keep coming back, and trying to get you back into their claws. Please, know that this isn’t love, rather, it’s something born out of an obsession for you.

There are also situations where exes return to destroy what you have, once they perceive you have moved on into a happier relationship. For them, since they aren’t happy, you can’t be either. This happens with bad break ups.


It has been said that loneliness can drive people even to places they don’t really want to be. Exes can also come running back to you because they’re lonely and in need of company or someone to talk to. Of course, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your company, but since you once filled the void, they feel the need to have you in their lives again.


You were once broke, and they left you to yourself, now, you’re financially very stable, and suddenly, they come professing love, and want to get back into your life. Love has nothing to do with their return; they’re only back to reap off your sweat and hard work. Men aren’t the only ones who fall victim to gold-diggers, women also do.


Indecision is naturally a huge problem for most people. They are just never fully sure of what they really want and need in their lives. This is why you see some people going back and forth with the same person in a relationship.


I’m putting this last for a reason; and that is because I feel it only happens less than 30% of the time – in situations where it is apparent that the returning party never really wanted a break up – otherwise I believe that once a couple allow themselves to get to the point of breaking up, they might as well have lost all feelings for each other.

That said, we can’t rule out the fact that love can be a reason why exes come back into our lives.


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