Is Iryn Namubiru Craving Love Or Séx?

Singer Iryn Namubiru's latest instagram post clearly shows she's missing something

Is Iryn Namubiru Craving Love Or Séx?
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Singer Iryn Namubiru is reportedly dating TV personality Gabriel Epenu whom she snatched from a white lady called, 'Safiya Kodet' and their relationship has been on since her return from Japan -- a country she will never forget ...

The temperature singer updated her instagram with a post that left her followers wondering exactly what and whom she meant. The text photo had no caption because it expressed exactly how she felt with the right words ...

Him, His smile, His eyes, His voice, His laugh, His warmth, His existence and finally Him

She's craving something, love or sex ... do I need to find more proof? Iryn Namubiru has tried to keep her relationship status to herself and we can't specifically point a finger at Gabriel as the cause of all this horniness ... I still have my doubts about it being love!

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