For Ladies: Things That Would Chase That Man You Love Away

Well, Today We Focus On The Women; I Bring You 11 Real Things That Would Chase That Man You Love Away; Ladies Take Note.

For Ladies:  Things That Would Chase That Man You Love Away
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Getting your man is one thing but keeping him is the harder part. Break ups and divorce are becoming prevalent in relationships and marriage even more than love. The men keep doing the wrong things and the women aren’t left out and they both blame one another for each other’s mistakes.

More often than not, you’d agree with me that the slightest of things are the major things that lead to a break-up. Watch what parents argue about or what makes a couple angry with each other — little things.

Well, today we focus on the women; I bring you 11 REAL THINGS THAT WOULD CHASE THAT MAN YOU LOVE AWAY; ladies take note.


Complaining about every little thing may seem okay to a woman but definitely not to a man. Men hate too many talks; they hate it when a woman nag about everything. Such behaviours can take a man’s anger to melting point.


Every lady thinks they can change a man and some of them even wait till they are married before they start the ‘let me change him process’. His point is; you didn’t care to change him before marriage, why do it now? More like you want to use marriage as a trap. Trying to force a change on a man within a short time is a big one for him and he frowns at this.


No guy likes when his lady compares him to another guy; it takes the shine off him; makes him feel inferior. If you do this a lot, you definitely stand a chance of losing him in the long run.


If you being overly unrealistic, you are definitely scaring him away and he sees no point in settling down with you. Being moderate is the key word here; asking for things that seem on the high side to him would give him that ‘’you are a joker’’ feeling.


Power struggle is never healthy in a relationship, anything that makes a man feels less than a man would definitely have him thinking. A guy might not want to settle down with you if he sees you are not a loyal lady.


Some ladies just love being a drama queen; they are too quick to react to everything, they never take a deep breath, always on a fast and furious mission. Even if you have other nice qualities, just this bad quality can chase that man away; most guys are scared of the ‘drama queen’ kind of lady.


Having an opinion is not a bad thing but when you feel only your opinion counts, it can chase a guy away. Being a ‘Miss know all’ can even chase away a guy that loves you crazily. If things come up that needs discussion, try to be conservative while saying how you feel; you can’t always know it all.


It seems like all ladies have a mood swing now and then but when your mood swings are incessant then that’s a problem. If you are the type that can be happy this moment and cause a storm the next moment, then you stand a risk of losing that man you love. Crazy mood swing is never a good thing.


Funny but true; guys have a crazy sexual urge but when a lady’s sexual appetite beats theirs by a milestone then it’s a problem; he would most definitely get tired of your sexual desires. The phrase that follows this is ‘’she wants to kill me’’ or ‘’she never gets enough’’.


If he begins to doubt your motives and his role in your life then that’s the beginning of a problem. And if he ever has doubts that he’s not your number one man, then he loses that trust to keep on in that relationship.


This would MOST DEFINITELY drive him away. No man wants to date a cheating woman.

Most often, when a guy leaves a lady, she gets startled and thinks she hasn’t done anything but that’s never the case. Stuffs like the ones listed above can drive that man away.

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