6 Frequent MISTAKES People Make When KISSING

Have you ever wondered why your partner sometimes gets tired of kissing you or doesn’t feel in the mood to lock lips with you? Forget all the excuses that your partner might give, it’s simply because your kissing is what I call a ‘lip sore’; it lacks intimacy and it’s dead.

6 Frequent MISTAKES People Make When KISSING
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Worse part is, so many people make these mistakes on a regular basis without even knowing. In some situations, both partners are even terrible kissers and they both make all the kissing mistakes at the same time.

Like I would always tell people, kissing involves more than just joining lips together; kissing brings intimacy, it connects two souls, it builds passion, it’s the king of foreplay, it’s much more than you think it is.

1. Same old pattern

This accounts for many reasons why kissing gets so unromantic in a relationship. If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time with your partner, you should try to spice up your kissing, make it different every now and then. The mistake people make is that they kiss the same way year in, year out; this can make kissing your partner so boring and predictable.

2. No Involvement

By no involvement, I mean when the kissing is just dry, no fondling, no hands around the neck, and no hands around the head. You might think that kissing is just about the lips, but that’s a big mistake; kissing without bringing the body movement along is flat and that is terrible.

3. Too Much Tongue

In a bid to impress a partner with kissing, people often make this mistake. The whole tongue thing might be cool but when it gets too much, it could become annoying and choking as well. Try not to overdo it, keep it calm and your partner would enjoy it the more.

4. Stale Kissing

Stale kissing is the worst mistake you could ever make; truth be told, stale kissing would kill the passion for someone to ever kiss you again. Stale kissing is when you’re being kissed without really kissing back. People do this without knowing; they try to enjoy the moment of a kiss forgetting that they ought to kiss back.

5. Bad Breath

This is another mistake many people aren’t aware of; try to keep the mouth fresh before kissing, mints can come in handy. Don’t eat things like soup and fish and then go to kissing almost immediately; it would have a foul smell and it won’t make the kissing thing nice. However, when the breath is fresh, the lips become even more attractive, the scent of a fresh breath is a turn on and a foul smell is a turn off.

6. Too Fast, Too Furious

I don’t know if people think kissing is like car racing; where are you in a hurry to? People make that mistake of being too aggressive in their kissing and it’s a terrible mistake to make. Kiss gently, kiss passionately and you would love the outcome. Don’t be in a hurry for absolutely nothing.

A version of this article appeared on elcrema.com

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