Can’t Sleep Without Masturbating! –Problem Solved

I am unable to sleep without masturbating every night

Can’t Sleep Without Masturbating! –Problem Solved
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Q: I have a serious problem where I am unable to sleep without masturbating every night. I feel my penis is very small and I ejaculate even if someone touches it. Is this normal? I also want to know, will masturbation affect my married life and my chances of being a father in the future? I don’t smoke or drink. Please help me out.

It is true that the chemicals released during masturbation (or any sexual activity) could make you relax. But, you have programmed your brain in a such a way that you can only sleep after masturbating and now you are feeling that you can’t sleep without doing it. However this is NOT a serious problem as there are ways to revert brain programming (behaviour re-modification) by scientific methods. Also please don’t jump to conclusions about your penis size without knowing what the average penis size

Sometimes the length is normal but it appears smaller for various reasons (for example, if you have a big belly). Premature/quick ejaculation could be due a number of reasons but mainly due to anxiety. This too can be managed through some behavioural techniques and medications if necessary. Also I can assure you that masturbating won’t affect your ability to bear children in any way.

Answered by Sexual Health Physician & Medical Sex Therapist Dr Vijaysarathi Ramanthan 

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