7 Easy Psychologically Proven Tips to Attract The Man You like ... Without Risking Rejection

If you have that special somebody you’ve been trying really hard to get close to, relax and try these very easy tips to attract a man you like.

7 Easy Psychologically Proven Tips to Attract The Man You like ... Without Risking Rejection
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I’ve picked out the simplest little tasks that will go a long way, just by igniting that initial spark. Rest assured that these have been proven by leading psychologists and scientists, and are not like any other tips you have already heard from your girlfriends. Here we go ladies, 7 easy psychologically proven tips to attract a man you like.

1. Lean Forward

Body language is a very important element that shapes the way he sees you. You probably are familiar with the idea that if you are standing up tall and carrying yourself in a confident manner, he will see exactly that in you. But what you may not know is that there are specific #body languages that will signal to him that you are interested in him and attracted to him. Lean forward and show that you are interested in him. #Face your body towards him and give him your undivided attention. This is the most basic of tips to attract a #man you like.

2. Pair Eye Contact with Your Best Smile

Yes, you’ve heard many, many times that eye contact is very important when it comes to increasing the #attraction level. But Pair that with a smile and you’ll get double the effect. A University of Missouri study proved this through a psychological experiment. A woman sitting in a bar who had only eye contact with men had the men approach her 20% of the #time, while the same conditions were repeated with a smile. The #eye contact and smile combination increased the success rate to 60%. This proves that what you need more than makeup or hours spent on your #hair is probably your best smile.

3. Use Lighting

Use lighting to #look more attractive. What? Don’t turn on me just yet ladies, it’s not what you think! You won’t have to do anything, or at least, not consciously. Dimly lit places dilate your eye pupils, the black centers of your eyes that automatically open and close with change in lighting. Studies show that men rated women in pictures more attractive when their #eyes were dilated in the picture than when they weren’t. If you are going out on that romantic date, choose a place with dim lighting to appear even more attractive!

4. Mirror His Actions

There is a study that mimicking someone’s gestures can increase that person’s interest in you. Mirroring is a natural phenomenon that happens between #lovers and friends alike, but purposely mirroring someone can have a subconscious effect. This doesn’t mean you should copy every thing he does, but maybe it’s worth a try crossing your #arms when he does, or sipping your drink when he does.

5. Walk to His Left

Your Left side is linked to your right brain, which deals with #things like emotions and beauty, while the left brain is attributed to logic and reasoning. It is said that walking to his left and talking in his left ear can appeal more to the right side of the brain. This means he may be more emotionally stimulated when you speak. Research from Sam Houston State University found that emotional #words, especially, are likely to get through to him more readily when it’s heard from his left ear.

6. Take Advantage of Perfume

Perfume is a great way to not only smell wonderful but also stay unforgettable. Make your signature scent by spritzing that favorite perfume of yours daily. When he smells that fragrance somewhere else, he will be reminded of you.

7. Meet on a Bright and Sunny Day

Nice, warm weather stimulates your #body to produce endorphins, making you feel happy. Meeting on a sunny day will help him attribute that happiness to you and to hanging out with you! This also means that both of you might enjoy your #time together more, because you’ll both be in a better mood than usual. If you are choosing day for your date, double-check the weather before you decide. Go ahead and pick the day with some sun over those that are cloudy or rainy.

You don’t have to feel guilty as if you’re manipulating him - these are no magic spells you’re casting. Rather, it’s simply using your special knowledge to your advantage and knowing how to do it! I hope you enjoyed these tips - do you have any of your own tricks up your sleeve that you’d like to share with the rest of us? Let us in on your secret! (Don’t worry, no need for any psychological proof!)

[h/t : love.allwomenstalk.com]

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