Your Vagina Will Say Thank You If You Ate These Foods!

Below is a list of some common foods that will help you strengthen and preserve your vaginal health:

Your Vagina Will Say Thank You If You Ate These Foods!
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Women struggle with Vaginal health at some point in their life and statistics show that at least 75% of women get at least one yeast infection during their lifetime. It is important to note that what we eat also has an effect on the vagina and vaginal health therefore, the key to improving your intimate well-being lies in what you put on your plate.

Below is a list of some common foods that will help you strengthen and preserve your vaginal health:

Natural yoghurt and other probiotics

Probiotics (good bacteria) help maintain vaginal PH and ward off yeast infections and keep your gut healthy. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods like natural yoghurt, sauerkrauts, kefir and miso.

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Cranberry juice

Cranberries prevent and relive symptoms of urinary tract infections by acidifying the urine and balancing the PH of the vaginal area. They contain strong acidic compounds which don’t get broken down during digestion making them able to fight bacteria that cause the infections. To benefit fully from cranberries it would be best to eat fresh cranberries by mixing them in natural yoghurt.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

As usual, fruits and vegetables make your overall health better as they contain certain vitamins and minerals essential for your well-being. For instance, Vitamin C will help boost your immune system. Avocados for instance stimulate vaginal health as they contain Vitamin B6 and potassium which support healthy vaginal walls. Green, leafy vegetables on the other hand help with blood circulation and prevent vaginal dryness.


Seeds and nuts

Sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts all contain vitamin E and oils which help prevent vaginal dryness. Almond and pumpkin seeds are rich in Zinc which is an essential mineral that regulates the menstrual cycle and helps combat itching and other symptoms of dryness. Flaxseeds are rich in phytoestrogens and omega 3 fatty acids which help to boost estrogen levels and stop vaginal dryness.


For vaginal mucous membrane to function properly, they require plenty of water in order to stay well hydrated and what better way to achieve this than by drinking plenty of water? Drinking sufficient amounts of water will ensure that your vagina stays lubricated as well as diminish foul smells from your lovely lady parts.


Garlic, eaten raw contains major antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In case of a yeast infection, these properties contained in garlic effectively kill yeast and could also soothe the symptoms of the infection including soreness and itchiness and would best work if the raw, peeled garlic is used as a suppository and left overnight.


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