Kissing Tips Women Wish Men Knew To Make Them Feel Heavenly

Hooking up, snogging, necking, swapping spit, frenching, chewmof, macking, fi wa nu; there are soo many names for kissing but not that many instructions.

Kissing Tips Women Wish Men Knew To Make Them Feel Heavenly
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Here are 10 dos and don’ts of kissing we wish our mates knew.

1. Keep your breath in check!

Bad breath is by far the worst offense when it comes to kissing. We love tasting your dinner but not when it’s coming from your mouth during a kiss. Keep some gum or breath mints on you so you avoid this. Always try and brush your teeth prior to a date even if you brushed earlier that morning. And for those who smoke, unless your kissing partner is a smoker, I guarantee she detests the taste of the cigarette in your mouth. So please keep it fresh and never spray perfume in your mouth! That awful chemical taste you got when you did the spraying is the same she will taste when you kiss.

2. Gentle is key!

I know you think you are being passionate and suave by kissing like a dementor trying to suck the life out of us, we appreciate the sentiment but not the feeling. Sometimes gentle, soft, closed mouth kisses are more effective at giving that lucky lady goosebumps and shivers down her spine. And are a perfect kissing initiator. I guarantee she’ll be begging for more.

3. Keep your saliva in your mouth!


Sloppy kissing is such a no no! Learn to suck back your saliva while kissing instead of slobbering all over your mate’s face. There is nothing less arousing than having to wipe someone else’s spit off your face after they kiss you.

4. Take your time!


Some women love kissing more than sex itself, it heightens arousal and builds up anticipation for more to come. Remember it isn’t a race.

5. Close the gap.

You can turn the heat up during a kiss simply by drawing her near, close the gap between your hips and get an instant gasp of delight.

6. Kiss her neck!

Young couple naked Man and woman in love kissing

Lips aren’t the only sensitive part of the head, take a moment to kiss her along her jaw and her neck and stimulate the thousands of nerve endings all over.

7. Yes we have noses!


Please please, always go in for a kiss leaning your head to the right to avoid nose to nose collisions. A sore nose after a kiss might be cute the first time but inexcusable any time after that. So always remember, your mate has a nose that has to be maneuvered around to avoid either of you from pain and bloodshed.

8. Less is more!

This is especially useful if this is your first time kissing each other, don’t try and overdo anything. Scale back on whatever you plan on doing. In fact don’t even think too much because then you will over think and be too fixated on getting it right instead of being in the moment and enjoying it.

9. Ask!


If you want to be certain your mate is enjoying your kissing techniques, simply ask. No need to be shy or embarrassed, how else will you know for certain or learn how to rev up your mate? Please don’t get angry when you don’t hear that you are a kissing don, you can take this opportunity to also tell your mate how you like things. After all it takes two to tango.

10. Breath normally!


Don’t hold your breath! When you hold your breath and exhale that hot clammy breath into your mate’s mouth it is worse than awful.

Whatever your reason for kissing, just remember, it is not a sprint so relax, breath, take your time and enjoy yourself.

Happy kissing


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