Signs She’s Really Into You And Wants You To Ask Her Out

With today’s era of feminism and women being more assertive in the dating world than some men, there’s still that adventure that comes when a man asks a woman who likes him out on a date.

Signs She’s Really Into You And Wants You To Ask Her Out
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Not sure what those glances, smiles and looks from the girl you fancy might mean? Hoping you have a secret admirer?

The problem with this though, is that some men can be painfully oblivious of the hints that women give out!

You’re probably either one of those unaware guys or you’re the type who wants to be absolutely sure she’s up for a date before you even ask her out.

But the problem is that some women can give off signs that are easy to misinterpret. Am I right, ladies? You may think she’s coming onto you, but she’s just being friendly. If you are a true man, you have to agree with me on this! It happens always.  You may think she’s reserved, but in reality, she’s just playing hard to get. So what is it with these mixed signals and why isn’t there a code breaker for this yet?

Well, the next best thing you can settle for would be the signs that she gives away if she really wants you to ask her out on a date if you’re still clueless? I argue to sit your ass down and read this.

She always seems honestly glad to see you.

Ladies often display two types of smiles. There’s the usual smile for when something amusing is happening or for times when she just needs to put a smile on when facing people.

The other type of smile is the one that brightens up her whole face. It’s the smile you see on women who are genuinely excited and happy about something. If it’s the bright smile you’re seeing whenever you run into her or talk to her, then this is a clear sign that you excite her enough to want to go out on a date with you.

 She looks very Strongly attracted when you’re talking.

You know a conversation is going downhill when the person you’re talking to just nods, fakes a smile and responds with monosyllabic words. But that’s not the case when you’re talking to her.

She always seems genuinely interested in what you’re saying. She gives you follow up questions, responds proactively and intently hangs on to every word you’re saying, even when you’re talking about something that may be of no interest to her!

 You’re suddenly a really funny guy.

Ladies love it when a guy can make them laugh. But even if you’ve never really been the class clown, she always seems so amused with everything you have to say. Your jokes, Facebook statuses and impressions are really hitting her funny bone.

If you can make her laugh until she gets teary-eyed and no one does this with you, it has more to do with the fact that she’s into you than the fact that you’ve become a stand-up comedian overnight.

She’s recommending date spots.

She’ll often ask you if you’ve ever been to that joint place in your area or that hot new café that everyone’s raving about. You’ll start to notice that she’s taken a sudden interest in all these places and she’s sharing that interest with you. Take it as a hint that she would like to go to those places with you one of these days.

She’s mentioning the stuff that you have in common.

What a coincidence! She’s also into series like Revenge and Beauty & Beast. Her favorite movie is also The Notebook! She’s also into soccer and Manchester United is her favourite club! For some reason, her interests align with yours perfectly in some way, and she’s not afraid to show it. Take it as a hint to carry on the conversation over a cup of coffee or ice-cream.

 She touches you.

Women can oftentimes get away with being very touchy. A fortuitous brush of the pinkie here and a stroke on the forearm there aren’t just mere accidents. Touching during a conversation can signify that she’s placing emphasis on her words and she wants you to pay attention to them. She’s leaving a physical impression on you in order to

a) get you to remember her, or

b) give you a hint that she’s really into you.

It’s that simple.

 She mentions when she’s free.

“Oh, I don’t really have anything planned after work. You?” Does this line sound familiar? She’s telling you that she has no other plans “i.e. no dates scheduled”, and that if you were to ask her out then and there, she’s got the free time to take you up on that offer. Ladies who are trying to avoid dates oftentimes say that they’re too busy. So what does it mean when a woman tells you that she’s not busy at all? Wake up now!

She hangs out with friends that you have in common.

You’ve probably met her before, but now she seems like a permanent fixture in your social circle – sending friend requests to your relatives, liking your pictures on social media and many more. Of course, at first, you think it’s nothing. But when you start to notice that she’s almost always there when you’re hanging out with your common friends, then it can be a sign that she wants to see more of you.

If she pays special attention to you or almost always sits within arm’s reach of you when you guys are out, then she’s putting herself in your presence so that you’d get to know her even more.

She doesn’t mention other guys in front of you.

One of the things that men watch out for when asking a girl out is the jealous boyfriend who might beat him to a pulp. However, when a woman likes you, she may have the tendency to flaunt her singleness in the hope that maybe you’ll be the one to put an end to it.

She might say that she hasn’t found a decent date in a while or that she hasn’t been on a date in ages. Take it as your cue to be the guy who’ll sweep her off her feet and carry her off into dating paradise.

When she introduces you to her friends, they seem oddly familiar with who you are.

If you’ve got a keen sense of hearing, you might hear things like, “Oh, so THAT’s the guy!” or “He IS as cute as she said.” When a lady likes a guy, she’d find it difficult to contain her excitement so she’ll have to tell her girlfriends. If your name seems to ring a bell, then that’s a sign that you’ve been the topic of conversation in their group.

She’ll finally ask you out.

Sometimes a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do. If she musters up the courage to ask you out, give her some credit. She probably likes you enough to potentially face the embarrassment of being rejected. If I were you, that’s a bold move that’s worthy of at least a couple of dates!

Obviously, the girl who wants you to ask her out doesn’t have to do all these things before you get definitive proof that she wants to go on a date with you. Three or four of these should be enough to prove to you that she’s really into you.

Howwe wishes you the best on the first date. Enjoy!

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