Are you tired of chasing the opposite sex? Do you want to turn the tables and have them chasing you instead? With a little practice, it's easy to master the art of seduction. A little confidence and playfulness may be all it takes.

1. The eye contact.

Make eye contact. When you're trying to flirt with someone, don't look at the ground, or over their shoulder, or at the ceiling. Look them right in the eyes. Holding someone's gaze communicates both intimacy and confidence, and it's the easiest thing you can do to become a master flirter. Instant sex appeal.

2. The smile. 

Maybe nothing is more simple but less obvious than a pleased, attractive, confident smile. Is there anything sexier than a good, genuine smile? To radiate sexiness, keep an amused half-smile on your face, regardless of what you're doing, but especially when talking or flirting with a cutie. You should look like you want to be there, not like your mind is elsewhere. Smiling also draws people's attention to your mouth, dragging their mind into thoughts of kissing you. If you smile, you'll be that much closer to locking lips.

3. The body language.

Make an effective use of body language. Move confidently. Most people are attracted to people who are sure of themselves. Don't forget to smile and, if possible, make body contact when appropriate and not intrusive. You should always take frequent showers, wear clean clothes and smell good. The more comfortable you feel, the more comfortable the other person will feel around you, and the more receptive they'll be to your affection.

Shaking a person's hand when you first meet them is a polite way to show the person they're someone you want to talk to. Use a firm grip, but don't hold on too tight - you don't want to hurt the person's hand. After one good shake, release the person's hand from your grip. In regions where shaking hands is not customary, use a different appropriate physical gesture to show you're interested in talking to someone. A kiss on both cheeks, a bow, or another physical gesture gets the conversation off to a good start.

4. The conversation.

Speak clearly and confidently, and let the other person know you're interested. You don't have to be handsome or a genius to be good at flirting. All it takes is self-assurance, a little bit of courage, and a sense of supply and demand. Try to read the person to get some sense of their humor and attitude before making your move. 

Don't think too much about having a killer opening to your flirt. Introducing yourself and asking someone's name is a perfectly reasonable way of breaking the ice, as well as general questions, like, "What are you interested in?" or "How do you feel?" The more often you say someone's name, the more that person will feel that you like them and the greater the chance they'll warm up to you. 

When you're flirting, talk loud enough so someone won't have to struggle to hear you, enunciate your words, and try not to stumble over your words. Slow down and speak carefully. Kindness, coupled with respect, makes others feel as if they are loved and cared for. Talk about topics that interest the person you're with. Sharing as much about yourself as you ask others to share is a way to build trust with other people. They'll feel special because you wanted to talk about your life with them, and before you know it you'll have new friends.

Be the one to mention something you like about the person. If you notice that someone is putting a lot of effort into something, compliment them, even if you feel that there is room for improvement. If you notice that someone has changed something about themselves (haircut, clothes, etc.), notice it and point out something you like about it. Be gracious in accepting compliments by saying "Thank you" and "I'm glad you like it," or "It is so kind of you to have noticed." 

5. Listen. 

Charm isn't always an outward expression, but an inward one too. Engage the other person to talk more about his or herself, about something that they like, something they're passionate about, about themselves. This makes the other person more comfortable to share and express themselves with you. 

To get a good flirt going, you need to accomplish two things: portray yourself as an interesting and sexy person worth knowing, and to learn whether or not the person you're talking to is worth knowing. You can up your sex appeal by being a good, empathetic listener who's genuinely curious and interested in the other person. Practice good listening skills, paying close attention and responding thoughtfully.