People assume that just because they’re on a date, they’re entitled to a kiss in the middle or at the end of the date.

If this were a perfect world, that could be true. However, a kiss has to happen when two people feel a connection – romantic or otherwise. You can’t really choreograph a moment like this, but you can anticipate it.

There are several very obvious signs that your kiss will be reciprocated or at least welcomed. All you have to do is read the signs, make your move and prepare for whatever happens.

Though these signs lead you to that magical moment, they don’t determine the outcome of the kiss. Before anything else, make sure your breath smells fresh, you don’t have a glass-full of saliva stored in your mouth and that neither of you are uncomfortable.

#1 She stays put even after she says goodbye.

You’ve seen this a thousand times in romantic movies. I’m here to tell you that it is a legitimate green light for you to lean in and sweep your date off he feet with an amazing kiss.

#2 She tilts her head to the side while making eye contact.

If she doesn’t show any signs of ending the night, you can rest assured that she’s placing her lips in a prime position for a good night kiss. Don’t attack her with a wet, sloppy make-out session. Give her a light and feathery kiss in case she wasn’t really expecting it at all.

#3 She doesn’t get out of the car immediately after you arrive at her place.

It’s the same principle with the first item. She could be waiting for you to say something more, but she could also be waiting for you to try and kiss her before she leaves.

#4 She leans in towards you.

It may seem like she’s going to make the move and kiss you first, but it’s more likely that she’s just bridging the gap between the two of you. You have to make the final move because she’s just setting up the stage for you.

#5 She lets you hold her hand or drape your arm around her.

It’s not a definitive green light, but it does give you room to explain that you felt close enough to your date to try to kiss her.

#6 She says you can.

There’s no harm in asking and it’s your safest bet in order to avoid experiencing any of the scenarios mentioned at the beginning of the article. Some girls even find it cute and give you points for having enough respect to ask.