Tips On How To Super- Charge Your YOYO Fantastically

here are 11 tips to help you supercharge your vagina.

Tips On How To Super- Charge Your YOYO Fantastically
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When it comes to the vagina, a lot of women really have serious issues down there but they have trouble discussing it, especially due to the way our culture has shaped us to think that talking about the vagina is a taboo or it’s dirty. Many women are walking around with serious problems but fail to discuss it, always ending in serious conditions such as, candidiasis and vaginosis which causes many deformities in children during child birth.

To make your vagina smell good, healthy and to stay away from “white” and to make men go crazy when they enter, here are 11 tips to help you supercharge your vagina.

Tip #1: Probiotics

As a woman, you have a whole egosystem in your vagina and you have to feed it the right stuff, so you have to take probiotics. You can find the type you need at the pharmacy. There are some you can take orally and others that can be inserted vaginally.

Tip #2: Wipe From Front To Back

It’s a very very bad idea to wipe from the back to the front as this will introduce germs and bacteria into your vagina which we know will definitely end up giving you infections and of course a bad smell.

When cleaning your anus, make sure you never wipe from the back. You will be surprised to know that some women actually do it and so if you know someone who does it, tell them to stop and if you know you’ve been doing it as a woman, then you need to stop right now. You’re causing more harm than good to your vagina.

Tip #3: Don’t Wash With Soap

The vagina is a self-cleansing organ and does not need all these harsh soap conditions to wash them, because soap is actually going to wipe away all the good bacteria in there. Most women who wash their vagina with soap always have vaginal dryness and this is not good for sexual intercourse.

The best thing to wash with is water and nothing else.

Tip #4: Wear Cotton Underwear

Wearing underwear made from other materials aside cotton is totally not good for the vagina, it’s like tying your nose with polythene, we wonder how you will breathe when you do that and imagine doing that to your vagina all day. When you do that, you don’t allow the vagina to breathe and the vagina needs to breathe too, that’s very important.

No matter how cheap the other materials cost, never buy them, just go for cotton pants and never turn back.

Tip #5: Rinse And Urinate After Intercourse

So you women out there who just wear your panties right after intercourse and walk home, you are really harming the vagina just in case you didn’t know. This is because bacteria can stay in there comfortably after sex and the vagina is so acidic it kills the sperm and so it’s like having dead little corpses in there…you don’t want to turn your vagina into a zombie land…do you? The sperms are actually so alkaline and this can make your vagina smell fishy (momone).

So if you don’t understand why you’ve been having that stinking problem, this could be one of the causes. Make sure you rinse and urinate after intercourse to get rid of all the sperms deposited in there.

Tip #6: Eat Fermented Foods

So fermented foods such as yoghurt, banku, kenkey, etc. helps by balancing the yeast in your system and making the vagina stay healthy and smell good. Yoghurt especially helps keep yeast in check and so make sure you eat lots of it.

Tip #7: Eat Garlic 

As a woman, make sure garlic is always a part of your diet, in fact you should have it in your food if you really want to supercharge your vagina, this is because garlic actually kills yeast infections and as we all know, yeast infections make the vagina smell bad and it itches a lot and no woman will like to have yeast infections and so to prevent this, make sure you eat garlic and lots of it. Inserting garlic into the vagina also kills yeast if you already have the infection, but note that if you have the infection, inserting the garlic will be irritating.

You can also add some onions when eating garlic so they can all help keep yeast infections at bay.  Some women don’t like the smell of garlic and so they try to avoid it, don’t! You can actually eat it in the night and brush your teeth afterwards before going to bed.

Tip #8: Do Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises are when you tighten the vaginal muscles and release and start again, it’s the same as trying to hold back your pee. Doing this exercises, apart from making your vagina tight and strong, strengthens the opening of the vagina, which helps you achieve orgasms more often.

Doing the exercise also helps prevent uterus prolapse, which is a condition in which the muscles that hold your uterus in place become weakened due to childbirth, labor and delivery.

The best way is to tighten it for 4 seconds and then release and repeat the process for about 15 times everyday.

Tip #9: Lubrication Options

In the case of dryness during sex, there are lots of lubricant options on the market, with KY Jelly being the most common. As a woman, you need to be concerned about what the lubricant contains. There are three types of lubricants out there, there is the water based lubricant, the silicone based lubricant and the oil based lubricant. You might want to take out the oil based lubricant if you using a condom because the oil based lubricant can cause the condom to bust. Also using oil based lubricants can trap particles and bacteria in there creating room for more infections. Coconut oil is known to be a very good lubricant, because it’s inter-microbial so it can kill any kind of fungi in there and so it’s healthy, but it’s good to stick to the water and silicone based ones, with water based being the best among the options.

Tip #10: Options Against Yeast Infections

There are a lot of drugs out there for the treatment of yeast infections but the best is to go for natural treatments rather than drugs.

Ask your pharmacist for the natural or herbal medicine for the treatment of yeast infections, it’s always the best.

Tip #11: Natural Treatment Against Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial Vaginosis is the infection that gives you that fish-like smell and pain during sex and you will want to get ride of it very fast. To do that, you might want to think of using natural treatments rather than drugs.

You can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse the vagina for a couple of days or two weeks and that will help rinse out and take care of it naturally.

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