Uganda is a free-spirited country and its people will always be creative.

The latest reaching our desk is that there are bars in town that are offering free Viagra. This has come to our attention after a few clients visited some bars and confirmed to us that the services are offered.

There is a new bar we have identified as lounge 69 along Semewata road in Ntinda that has introduced a theme night called ‘Viagra Night’.

Our snoop who attended the event recently confirmed to us that is true they serve Viagra but to a few clients. Every Wednesday, Lounge 69 hosts few clients who believe can use Viagra and have knowledge about it.

On the same package of Viagra, the bar provides beers that go along with the Viagra dose. Ntinda has always been with weird bars. Being the home of the rich, various bars keep popping up and Ntinda residents grace them.

We are not sure, if Police has learnt of the theme night that happens at Lounge 69. We are yet to confirm with Ntinda authorities.