Legislators Criticize Sheebah and Cindy for Alleged Nudity Promotion

“Sheebah and Cindy are victims of something that has gone wrong in society but which, unfortunately, people see and admire instead of opposing, they rather associate with modernity,” Buturo said.

Legislators Criticize Sheebah and Cindy for Alleged Nudity Promotion
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A controversy has erupted in Kampala following a concert on September 15 featuring popular female singers Sheebah Karungi and Cindy Sanyu. Their performances have triggered criticism from legislators who accuse them of promoting public displays of nudity and eroding moral values.

Several lawmakers voiced their concerns, with Bufumbira County East MP Nsaba Buturo condemning the promotion of nudity as "totally unAfrican" and warning against the decline in values.

“The promotion of nudity is totally unAfrican. You would have to be crazy to promote nudity as if it’s a way of life,” Bufumbira County East MP Nsaba Buturo said. 

Pece-Laroo division/Gulu East MP Charles Onen criticized young women dressing provocatively and stressed the importance of upholding traditional values.

“Today we see young ladies dressing themselves half naked, the breasts are outside as if saying the Lord be with you, their knickers are outside,” MP Pece-Laroo division/Gulu East Charles Onen said

Nsaba Buturo argued that the current generation often equates nudity with modern civilization, leading to a collapse in moral values. Onen emphasized that artists' bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and urged against investing in nudity. He also praised artists who use their platform to address societal issues responsibly.

Legislators called upon the Ministry of Ethics and Ministry of Information, Communication, Technology, and National Guidance to address the situation and prevent further decline in values. They expressed concern about political figures, like Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa, attending the concert and the viral video of Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, raising questions about endorsements of such behavior.

The controversy has sparked a wider debate about the influence of popular culture on societal norms and values in Uganda.

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