NBS Presenter Tuff B Suspended After Social Media Post

Tuff B, a popular presenter on NBS TV, might be in hot water. Apparently, he got suspended for his views on politics.

NBS Presenter Tuff B Suspended After Social Media Post
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Tuff B, a popular presenter on NBS TV, might be in hot water. Apparently, he got suspended for his views on politics.

Here's the thing: Tuff B isn't shy about who he supports, especially Bobi Wine and his National Unity Platform. Recently, Bobi Wine was on a tour, and Tuff B, well, seemed pretty fired up about it. He even posted something on social media showing his support, which, according to NBS, is a big no-no.

This post, back on July 15th, seems to be the reason he's on ice right now. In it, he talks about "change makers" and how important it is to keep fighting for a better Uganda. Sounds good, right? But NBS has rules about staying neutral on political stuff, and Tuff B's post might have crossed that line.

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