Do Not Make Her Fake An Orgasm

Do Not Make Her Fake An Orgasm - According To Ugandan Women

Do Not Make Her Fake An Orgasm
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Intimacy is primal to a relationship. Sex has has evolved over the ages as men have gone out of their way to learn that a woman has to feel good too for the relationship to work best. With this evolution, many couples have tried to get out of their comfort zones. This being trying out new things, which is totally a good idea.

The worst thing about this evolution is two things; One, it has led to some men applying their pornographic desires and fantasies to sex in a relationship. This is outrightly the biggest mistake. Pornography paints a whole distorted image of sex and often misleads tonnes of people.

The sexual acts embedded in pornographic material are for commercial gain 90% of the time. The vigorous scenes never appeal to a very big percentage of women. And this is in terms of the actual activities if one dares to try out the scenes with their partner. It breaks the aim of intimacy. All the woman is thinking about at that point is for the man to get it over with. This is not the ultimate relationship and sure it is not the healthy kind.


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