The Top 10 Reasons Couples Break Up

The Top 10 Reasons Couples Break Up After Polling over 1,400 women on why their past relationships ended

The Top 10 Reasons Couples Break Up
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Recently polled over 1,400 women on why their past relationships ended. No, it wasn't just out of morbid curiosity (though, you have it admit, it is fascinating); we also happen to think that if you know the most common reasons couples split up, you can use that information to strengthen your bond and make it last longer.

Some of the results were expected, but some really surprised us. Check 'em out here:

1. We just fell out of love. (39.7% of respondents said they had experienced a breakup for this reason)

2. He cheated. (36.6 percent)

3. He lied about something, and I couldn't trust him again. (29.3 percent)

4. We were always fighting and realized we shouldn't be together. (29.1 percent)

5 and 6 (tied). He stopped doing sweet, romantic things for me. And, I missed being single and dating around. (both 21.1 percent)


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