Lolo - Vibes Eye


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Lolo Lyrics

My tracks dope but not yet ten..
I do songs man not for fame..
I tell you again and again..
If yoh competing with me yoh insane..
(Imaasi Iso..
Imaani Iso..
Itei Iso..
Ijeni Iso..
Ne ilosi Iso..
Itaami iso..
ngoni bore itaami Iso..
Mam ichaki ne ichaki iso..
Imwaka so..)X4
(Kere atingata itinyoi..
Kere ekuriaka engo noi..
Kere eyongitos opoi..
Kere eponito onyakoi..
Kere emamete itogoi..
Kere iteete engo oitoi..
Kere eraasi ane hooii..
(Agiroto echadoi)X1...(Yaga)X1 )2
Bantide nga gonya..
Nze tebba nkokonya..
Mbajidde nga sodjah..
Nze nkuwa kyoyoya...
Ebyaakabi nze mbaawa..
Ebigezo na mala..
Nkubba paka Kampala..
Nze ssi koppa falla..
Sijja ku kyusa colour..
Njiokya moto like fire..
Ffe tunonya dollar..
Twamanyira embere..
kubba tuballa wala..
Nawe geza enkera..
Ojakku kyusa embera..
(Imaasi Iso..
Imaani Iso..
Itei Iso..
Ijeni Iso..
Ne ilosi Iso..
Itaami iso..
ngoni bore itaami Iso..
Mam ichaki ne ichaki iso..
Imwaka so..)X4

Lo ichaki iso aichak emina...
Eminai o'ghetto baala e'ciggar..
Erimaete Toni abila..
Almighty the Redeemer..
Poshy me like beamer..
Ami feel so bigger..
Ami hit them deeper..
Ami King of Gibber..
Oni Akes Toni Ates..
We the lead on the race..
We the best dema rest..
We the do them purchase..
We the teso's hardest..
On the beat am maddest..
Feel the vibe am possessed...
Everytime beefing, hating..
Another Money Meka beating, kicking..
Vibes'ooh hitting, the street indeed..
Burning the city in peace..
Tukolla ebyafe bad mind tozimba etima..
Tukolla ezimalla oli avimba nga enkyima..
Tume pitta viote ma shimu na ma mlima
Ba'hater musigale nga muwoloma bya bulimba..
(Imaasi Iso..
Imaani Iso..
Itei Iso..
Ijeni Iso..
Ne ilosi Iso..
Itaami iso..
ngoni bore itaami Iso..
Mam ichaki ne ichaki iso..
Imwaka so..)X2
(Laz on the beat)
Yaga yau..
Yaga yau..
Yaga Yaga Yaga yau..
