Added: Nov 30, 2019
Arthur Keita (Kato isa Ddungu) is a male Ugandan Born artist. He started singing from when he was still young (10years Old), when he released the talent inside him he decided to put it in action by Joining his homeland Church and he was a vocalist leader there. Arthur Won a lot of prizes in the name of music for example, Numerous Awards & Certificates during his school time. The talent of singing to Arthur its part and percale of him and nothing will stop him from making it to the top. Thru hard working Arthur Keitah is determined to be the Uganda's top Finest and he swears to keep it a live and interesting. Arthur Keita is a Multi - Talented musician in that he can sing the different categories of Music right from Rn B to Techno type of Music. He has managed to record two Full albums of which he has chosen to to release his first single "Life time Off #LightsOnALBUM" and is yet to cause in an earth quake in Music industry by producing in nice and top hits to the Music lovers in Uganda, East Africa, Africa and to the World at Large. He only Humbly Request for massive support from the fans in order to make it to the top.Further More, Arthur is against the musicians who have made music to meaning by doing activities which retard the Music i.e Performing on events at lowest charge of 3k UGshs or even below