Fille Mutoni

Fille Mutoni

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Added: Jan 21, 2014

Fille real names Mutoni Fille, born on 25th July in western Uganda 23 years ago and currently persuing a bachelors in public admin at st Lawrence University,she went to Nakasero for primary, Lubiri s.s for secondary, has taken Uganda by storm with her melodies voice in latest singles like"he got no money"which she released late last year and now"where've u been"at which has received a whooping airplay on both radio and TV Station much is not known about her relationship with flybont NTV Xpozed host MC Kats as i hear is the manager of this gorgeous beauty but lets keep fingers crossed hoping she doesn't become a node of the chainz of girls he has around Kampala .she is records all her music at the Bukooto based studio Buddiez.

Yes she has the beauty and yes the music.

Listen to her songs

New stars are born everyday and Fille is the new girl causing ripples in the music industry. Edgar R. Batte spoke to church choir girl who is now doing secular music.

A while ago, no one knew you, then you hit the scene with song after song. So where was Fille before we ever knew about her?
She was a church girl at Rubaga Miracle Centre.

Were you a singer at Rubaga Miracle Centre?
Yes, I was a soprano in the choir and I was also a member of gospel group G-Way.

What was the reaction of fellow followers when you left church and started singing and releasing secular music?
I got criticised, but to me salvation is personal. Christianity is from the heart because at the end of the day I sing and I still pray. I still go to church, I still give tithe and I still attend church. So I was not moved by the criticism.

We know you as Fille, how did you come up with that unique stage name?
Actually it’s my real name given to me by my mum. I don’t know why she gave it to me, but I like it. My full name is Fille Mutoni.

Mutoni sounds Rwandan, are you from Kigali?
I am a Mukiga of Rwandese origin who grew up here in Kampala. I have lived here all my life.

Back to your music, do you write the songs you sing?
I co-write with people, but I contribute at least 80 per cent. My producer helps me. He is called Andy Muzic.

It’s Not About The Money is one of your biggest songs so far, how did you come up with it?
I walked into studio sometime this year and as Andy played me some beats I came up with the chorus immediately. So I was like ‘he say he want me, he got no money…’ that is how I began developing the story about a guy that I love and he really doesn’t have that much money but I love him anyway.

Is this broke guy actually there?
He is not there. It was not based on any true story.

What inspired the song if there is no guy at all?
It is something that happens. Most men think that you fall in love with them because of money. They think you need dimes from them, but it is not the case.

So you would not love a guy for his money?
No, if you come to me and I appreciate who you are, I will love you for who you are even if you are broke.

Are you currently dating anyone?

Okay, what qualities are you looking out for in a guy?
Someone who is genuine and honest, period! If you’re genuine and honest, we roll, because I am extremely honest with my feelings.

Come on, love with no money is like tea without sugar and I know you will need to go out with the girls to club once in a while or enjoy your Guinness like you are doing now?
Yes, but then if I want to enjoy I am going to call you up and be like ‘babes I need to go to club and I need something’… if you cannot afford it then I go and sleep.

Are you saying you are not like any other girl?
I am more like all the other girls.

Most girls are said to be materialistic … can part of you be described as such?
No, it is a few girls who are materialistic.

People have linked you to your manager, MC Kats, saying you two are pushing out. Is there any truth in this?
He is male and I am female so people naturally expect us to be pushing out, which is not the case.

So are you just keeping it purely professional?
I am extremely professional, extremely.

How did you two meet?
We met at one of the Kadanke fetes where a friend of mine had invited me to see teens enjoying themselves. He was emceeing and when I performed, he liked my voice and we started chatting. That’s how we met.

You arrived on the music scene in a big way. It must have taken a lot of planning …
I think me getting into the industry was not planned. I did not sit down on a round table and was like now let me venture into this. I just did a song that Kats put out there and people liked it and they asked me to do another song. That is how I found myself in the industry.

What have you learnt in the industry?
I have realised that it is a bit demanding. You need to have a certain look and carry yourself a certain way, which was a bit new to me because I am so basic.

You are an attractive girl and naturally you attract a lot of attention from men, how do you handle them?
It is not a big deal because every girl gets that.

How exactly do you handle them?
I definitely stand up to them and tell them I am either seeing somebody or not interested in them.

Fillie Mutoni's BiographyIf I am a fan of Fille where do I find her performing?
I perform at very different occasions and every time I am going to perform, I communicate on social media like Facebook.

How much do you perform for?
Between Shs800,000 and Shs1m. I am very flexible.

Eh, yet you have just started out. How many songs have you recorded so far?
They are about 10 songs and that includes a few that I have not yet released. In fact I am holding a listeners’ party at Club Venom next Thursday. I will perform all of them. Besides, some people have been wondering whether I really sing or not. They should attend the show and confirm that I can sing.

What does the future look like for you as an upcoming artiste?
I am hoping that it will get brighter than this. I am hoping people will still love my music and I am not planning on boring the people. I am definitely not going to give them the same thing. I do not want to give them a signature sound they will all listen to and get bored with.

Is there anyone you look up to in this music industry?
I look up to most of the artistes here. I would not say I have a particular artiste.

Are there any challenges that you have faced as an upcoming artiste?
People mistakenly think I’m proud but that is not who I am.

How would you describe Fille to the stranger who does not get up-close?
I am very naughty. I will make fun of anything and I am very outgoing.

What is the craziest thing you have done?
When I was in high school, I jumped over the fence to go and dance with my boyfriend and my dad caned me.

Are you through with university?
No, I’m in third year, pursuing Public Administration at Makerere University.

Public administration? Are you planning on using that in any way in life?
Not really, I do not want to be a headmistress. I do not want to be an administrator whatsoever.

Sure, you just want to do music?
Yes I just want to do music and probably pursue something else.

You have worked with Mowzey Radio & Weasel, Big Trill and Vampino, what has it been like working with these artistes?
They are so experienced and I feel humbled to work with them.

Which is your favourite local song?
Amaaso by the Good Lyfe.

Which is your worst local song?
A song by two guys who redid P-Square’s Personally in Luganda. It sucks.

What is your last message to your fans?
I love my fans so much and I want them to know I am not going to disappoint them. I am going to give them exactly what they want. They should keep supporting Fille music.

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