Gwiiza Grace

Gwiiza Grace

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Added: Sep 03, 2023

Gwiiza Grace is a Ugandan gospel musician under GMF production. Mr. Mugerwa Henry is her current manager. Gwiiza Grace started her music career in 2016 as a Capella artist. And recorded her first song” NZE MULI” song in 2018 after getting married to Mr. Mugerwa henry, her manager. She also has several singles including “Toterebuka”, “Nkwanjula”, “Ekikutiisa Kyeki”, "Obuyinza bwo Mukama", "Omukwano Gwenina “Dukore Ningufu”, "Ndaba kuki omulungi" “Totelebuka Mukwano”. Gwiiza Grace records her music from different studios that is, African Seven Studio and Voice Flow Studio. She a choir leader and also a member in choirs like Good Hope Choir ministry.


Gwiiza Grace was born on 22nd. Feb.1984. in Majja Buwama. she grew up in a family of Mr. Kasozi Nafutaali. In 2001 Gwiiza Grace got married to Mr. Mugerwa Henry and she went to the husband`s home in Gomba where they stay now. Gwiiza Grace in 2002 had Nassali Gloria as her first born, Ssegawa frank in 2004, Nagawa Faith in 2007 and Kawuki Levitcus in 2012 her last born in 2012.
