Prince Ranks

Prince Ranks

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Added: May 26, 2021

Iam called PRINCE RANKS A Kaamwenge bwoy, I was born in august 29th dad is called Namara Felix and mum called Nabbale Teddy and birth name is Tumwine Own from Rwenjaza(70), I just started is project when I was just in form 2, I used to write my music slowly by slowly in my holiday of senior2, I used to go on functions like birthday parties, wedding parties and when I was promoted to senior 3 , just like one month we went because of Corona I didn’t stop my talent I continued with it in December 2020. I met my friend and told me that there is someone and he is producer, I asked him that which studio is that, he told me that, told me that the studio is called New Touch Studio. I told him to take me there, I found him when is making to the other people, I called him we just talked for a moment, he told me to come on 6 Jan 2021 to voice my song, When the day reached I was very prepared I boarded to him, when I reached there he told me     to enter the room and hold microphone, I hold it and was my first time, I was surprised of a such room and the materials he used  I voiced I voiced and finished. The first song is called Kyoyinawo, he told me to come and pick my song on 20 Jan 2021. I found him busy acting on it I waited for him it’s when he finished and called me to enter his room when I reached he played it, I listened to it. It was very amazing, I took it and to my DJS and friends we took to the nearing club, I organized myself to perform to my fans they were very surprised of what I have done they were very happy, but done it on my own but whoever comes across a manager he can call me on 0773406566 or 0771226469, I can go for performing music any where if called right now where iam waiting to finish my s5 so as to continue my project. I started to dance and  sing my songs at school and my friends were liked me  because of my talent and of  my schoolmates told me  to  join me , I told them its fine if they have that talent also. My first song is called Kyoyinawo and recently iam going to release another song soon in my vac and the reason why my song was titled Kyoyinawo is my funs used to tell me that I show people what I have, its why I tittled my first song Kyoyonawo, I play hip-hop, dance hall and I come from western region I pray to God to be promoted to another regions like central, eastern, and many others like dancing.

My face book user name is PRINCE RANKS.
