Added: Mar 18, 2020
Samy andona real names samy andama is recording artist/rapper/song writer and fashionista, a zaki lugbara by tribe borne in DrCongo Aru and raised in the ghettos of kasubi kampala in Uganda. He was borne in 30/08/1995 to tiko joan and andona peter. He was however sent by his father due to the fact that he was a very bright child to stay with his granny Candiru joan to Uganda where she groomed him into who he is. For this reason he always says he has two mothers
His father was a very hardworking veteran who passed away when he was in his university. His granny mostly singly raised her by her self.He says his birth mother even at one time had to lay bricks inorder to contribute to his university fees
His one of the few highly educated musicians in Africa with a degree in medicine and surgery.
samy andona also is the only musicians in East and west Africa knowing very many languages atleast one of which is spoken in the specific country as a major language for example french, lingala, luganda,English,among others.
He is extremely talented and can write different music flavors ranging from bongo...lingala rap.. Lugaflow in his fused dancehall/afro pop/dance hall and rap style.
He developed the interest for doing music in his secondary school after listening to songs of radio and weasle well as wizkhalifa.. His role models include gravity omutujju ,feffe bussi and fik fameika.
He says he started to go to sudio in his s4 vacation and thats where he found gravity omutujju first studio producer who encouraged him to record and this inspired him to start writing his own music however he could not start then since then he was at school and staying with his tough granny
Andona oficially started music in 2019 after university with his first official project produced by artin pro who he says was a great inspiration as well as T. O. N beats. He is well known for his unique rap style and fashion after his first smush single titled KITA a title he wrote in lingala.
Samy andona is first raising rapper every one is supposed to look for.