My aunt Babra - Ivan Navi

My aunt Babra

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My aunt Babra Lyrics

Do you know how it feels when i lose someone 

Or you never know never fi understand 

Crazy moments happen in my life but this one 

We can't manage but we should try.

Ssenga Nansove my aunt Barbra 

This your song i know you can't reply 

Every time I call your name my aunt Barbra 

Saying this is you  song

I miss you I miss you 

My aunt Babra

I really miss you

And everything i do

Will ever come true

You gave blessing 

I really miss you ×2

Laba ssalongo nabalongo Pade wabwe bakumisimga

Ssalongo nabalongo Pade wabwe bakumisimga 

Dear Nnalongo

Ian miss you      dear Nnalongo 

Jovan miss you       dear Nnalongo

Daddy miss you dear Nnalongo 

Mammi miss you  dear Nnalongo Daddy 

Every body miss you Nnalongo 


Blood this is difficult 

In life we should kale get a brief guide 

Kale laba byona byetwakolanga

Fading away in kale just a short time

I just want to walk with you on a shirt tag

Damn devil

I give you my red card 

Yeah  yeah 

Life is short 

We gotta miss you 

My aunt Barbra 

We gotta miss you 

