Fight Harder - Mozexius

Fight Harder

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Fight Harder Lyrics

(introduction )

Ame unit  crew presents, Mozexius Da serious,poh pan the beat rotana records let's go.

(corus )

 Life is hard but fight harder, lemerako olinye amadaala,life is hard but fight harder,lemerako to climb up the ladder. (*2)


Bwo'bulamu bukaluba siganyi, topowanga blood ekyo kanye, towanikanga wankubade bikalubye, life kazanyo luliba olwo no'kwasa, money, money,  money, money make,make money, zike, zike, zike tukole ebizike, life is so good nga olina ebizike n'abade akuzalawa akuyita igwe. Life is journey has up and downs, be strong enough to pull down your guns, be strong enough to overcome those ups, no matter the situation stand like a champion,  I stand like a champion. "Mi sing say"


(verse 2)

Bangi mubyokola bakuvuluga, bangi mubyokola bakuzalawa, bangi mubyokola bakujerega, bakuyita kisembbo failure, tobawa mattu whenever bogera ate topowa oswaze  bye bogera, basanyuka nyo gwen ngolajana kale bambi tova ku mulamwa, lemerako batuke okuwunga, lemerako batuke okuwenga, lemerako obakutule emigongo, obazunze emittwe bakuyite omulogo.

(corus )

(verse 3)

Fight harder till you shine up, hold on don't think to give up, jealous can cause to mess up, get focused fi you to catch up, munywanyi mubyokola gwe tekamu

plani, wesige mukama Agoba ebisirani, believe in yourself cause I know that you can, nkugamba mazima sibya kiwani. lemerako leero, enkya ne'keera, topowa kyoyagala kiribeera, luliba olwo nawe olizina amateera, nga obakakasa ntino wasomoka kiira. money, money, money, money make make money, zike, zike, zike turkle ebizike, life is good nga olina ebizike, na'bade akuzalawa akuyita Igwe.

Mozexius Da serious, Ame unit crew, Poh made ma beat. Gwe.
