Uganda free from COVID-19 as Ministry of Health Urges Public against Handshakes, hugs 

Uganda is yet to record any confirmed cases of the infamous CoronaVirus (COVID-19) after four foreigners isolated at Entebbe hospital tested negative.

Uganda free from COVID-19 as Ministry of Health Urges Public against Handshakes, hugs 
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Uganda is yet to record any confirmed cases of the infamous CoronaVirus (COVID-19) after four foreigners isolated at Entebbe hospital tested negative.

Speaking on behalf of the minister of health, the Minister of health for Primary Healthcare Dr. Moriku Joyce Kaducu (PhD) told journalists in Kampala this morning, that as of today Tuesday March 3rd 2020, Uganda has no confirmed case of COVID-19. 

She however added that the risk of its importation remains very high since Uganda maintained an open entry policy for travelers from affected countries as most of these countries have major business, tourism and other links.

“To date, a total of 722 travelers have been isolated for purposes of follow up. Of these 499 are Chinese Nationals, 150 are Ugandan citizens while 73 other nationals. 41% of these people have completed their mandatory days of self-isolation. Additionally, so far samples from 10 suspected cases of CoronaVirus disease have been tested all tested negative” she noted.

Over the weekend, panic hit residents of Entebbe as a video spread on the internet of a woman claiming four nationals with confirmed cases of COVID-19 had been confined at Entebbe hospital. However, the minister says they all tested negative. These included a French and three Chinese Nationals. 

Currently screening at Entebbe International Airport and all other border points of entry have been strengthened with deployment of additional health workers, equipment and infection prevention materials.

Members of the public have been cautioned to regularly and thoroughly clean their hands with an alcohol-based rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, one should cover their mouth and nose with tissue when coughing and sneezing, maintain reasonable distance between self and someone who is coughing and sneezing. 

Also, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hand, if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care immediately or call a health worker and alert them about your condition. 

Avoid handshakes and hugging at all times, avoid close contact with people who are visibly sick with flu-like symptoms (fever, cough and sneeze), when sick with flu-like symptoms, avoid going to public places, offices and public gatherings. Remain at home to avoid affecting other. 

Ugandans have been advised to remain alert and avoid rumors as well as fears. “I urge all Ugandans to avoid handshaking, hugging, mass gatherings and to observe infection, prevention, and control practices such as washing hands with soap and clean water at all times both at health facilities and communities” Dr. Kaducu noted.

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